Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catch up!

So I got my computer back from the shop so here is a little of what we have been laughing at lately...
Russell has been having so much fun splashing and I mean get the whole bathroom soaking wet kind in the bathtub the last few nights.
He has fun with bubbles
We went for a hike last weekend up Fletcher canyon we were soaked by the time we got back to the car, it pretty much rained on us the whole way, but we had a blast. The last time that we were here, this was full of trees and big bushes and stuff, it looked at though it had been bulldozed.
This is Water Painting, affectionately named by my sister/niece. Thanks guys he had fun!
Russell was just playing peek-a -boo in the shower curtian.


Sarah Sidwell said...

I LOVE that bubble picture!! So cute!

Emily said...

What a cute kid you have Nat! Tub pics are always great!