Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Russell gets tired of the same old toys so I try and find something different that will be exciting for him. As you can see we pulled the Easter eggs out and he sat on them and swam through them, cracked them, threw them, and all around had a good time!
I caught this milk face, it was so funny, Russell didn't know why we were laughing but he started to laugh with us.
Russell has really learned to love this old bear of mine, he is listening to the bears heart. He really loves the stethoscope. I just finished listening to his, so he knew what he was doing.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boy Boy Boy...

So proud of my little boy, he loves when I vacuum! He runs around the house like crazy (usually till he coughs so hard he barfs, we are working on it) after I am done he likes to take his turn. He gets a little frustrated that he can't push it like I can, but he is going to be the best little helper! Russell loves the part of the doctor's appointment where the doc listens with the stethoscope, and Chad has this one that you see, it was cheap, and did not work, so he ended up getting a new one. So we play with this one, and he really likes it when we listen too but when it is his turn to handle it he is usually eating it.
Working on either perfecting his OMM skills or him Massaging skills?
Russell really likes to draw and so far I have been very proud of him for keeping the drawings to the paper/cardboard/coloring book. It only holds his interest for one, maybe two minuets, but it is fun. Russell likes trying to get through this stool, he does alright most of the time, and he does not want my help! He also tryed to put his head through the small upper part when we weren't watching and it took both Chad and I to get him out. Silly boy.
I got some water balloons the other day at the dollar store and can I say best dollar spent! Russell has a blast with them he has a magic touch too, he can throw them and they don't break. It helps that I don't fill them to bursting. But it is so fun to see him play with them in his Home Depot bucket.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catch up!

So I got my computer back from the shop so here is a little of what we have been laughing at lately...
Russell has been having so much fun splashing and I mean get the whole bathroom soaking wet kind in the bathtub the last few nights.
He has fun with bubbles
We went for a hike last weekend up Fletcher canyon we were soaked by the time we got back to the car, it pretty much rained on us the whole way, but we had a blast. The last time that we were here, this was full of trees and big bushes and stuff, it looked at though it had been bulldozed.
This is Water Painting, affectionately named by my sister/niece. Thanks guys he had fun!
Russell was just playing peek-a -boo in the shower curtian.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ha ha ha ha...

Do you like the tube around my waist? Now we all know where Russell gets it from. :) We got to watch Anderson for a few hours the other day and the two of them had a blast out in the bucket of water and hose. This is me getting them both dried off and into clothes. Russell is holding the ball and Anderson is crouched down. Thanks for coming to play!
The other day Russell dumped out this bucket that had the giant Lego's in it, and we turned around and he was inside. Later he thought it was fun to have us carry him around in it, as you can see it was my turn to carry around the lug. He is so silly.