Well we got to get away and have some fun! Russell Loved the Idaho weather we played outside almost all the time. We had fun with family and cousin.
We turned around in the car and they were holding hands and they stayed that way till we got where we were going.
Cousin Megan was such a good sport she pulled him around for a long time. They play so well together.
Grandpa Johnson and Russell feeding the cows! MOOOO
We even got to feed the ducks popcorn and bread.
Russell loved running through Grandma and Grandpa Fowers vertical garden.
Russell loved running around on the trampoline, it was scary he would run really close to the edge, I was trying to be where ever he was.
Riding the tire horse swing.
We even saw rain, and Russell got to borrow an umbrella, he had a blast.
He liked to sit on this little truck and scoot around.
More umbrella.