Sunday, November 28, 2010

Funny Names?

Russell was practicing saying names in the bathtub. We were going over Natalie's sisters' names and, well, one was more entertaining than the rest. It just so happens that Emily is Natalie's twin sister.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Random Russell

I got the cooler out one day to put some treats, water, and juice in it and I turned around and guess who decided to try out a new "seat" as he calls any new place he plants himself.
Ever since Chad got home Russell loves to walk around the house wearing Dad's backpack, and of course Dad has to wear one too!
Russell helped me make Grasshopper pie this week, this was his favorite part. And for those who don't know, No there are no grasshopper in this recipe, we use crickets... just kidding.
New game, Russell and Chad put all the stuffed animals into the crib and toss them back and forth to each other, and Russell does a lot of bouncing and laughing and all out he's super silly.
On Saturday we cleaned the garage up a bit. We went through all of our boxes and got rid of a bunch that were truly silly to keep because they were just too small. We built "houses" and "kitchens" and "Forts" for Russell and he had a blast. Even though each one only lasted about 10 seconds before he pulverized them.
I was doing the dishes and Russell comes in to the kitchen and asks for a treat, so I gave him a bowl of dry cereal, he then leaves the kitchen. The next thing that I hear is "hungry, hungry" I look around the corner and this is what I saw...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gummy Bear

At night Russell loves to watch the Gummy Bear song! He loves it and says again, again. We watch it a fair number of times every night. If you are curious, you will have to check it out, and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A little Frog

Well we had a fun Halloween we just did our wards trunk or treat on Thursday last week and it was a blast, and Russell aka our little frog prince had a blast!

Earlier in the week we went to the pumpkin patch and Russell really liked that too. We asked him to sit by this pumpkin he sat on it. He loves to lay on our bed and eat fruit snacks, I don't know what to do with him, too cute.