Thursday, January 6, 2011


Last night as Russell and I were reading bed time stories, we got to a new one that I have never read before. It was a very touching story for a mother of a son.
Now that you know that, as I was reading I began to cry and then my voice started to crack, and I became very concerned at how almost two year old Russell would react to his Mom crying. As my voice cracked I looked down into his face as he looked up into mine, there was a moment of uncertainty, then my sweet child burst out laughing and then pointing up at my face saying, "Water ha ha Water, Water..."
To say the least I did not need to worry.


Sarah Sidwell said...

That is too funny!! Boys!!

The Crazy Heads said...

What a funny little kid.

reddhottredds said...

This made me laugh right out loud. SO funny, silly Russell.

ChristopheRobyn said...

LOVE. IT. need I say more? :)