Wednesday, January 8, 2014


For those that aren't aware, Chad has spent considerable time working with sports teams and the athletes. He has found true passion in Sports Medicine. He loves the atmosphere and patient population and the other physicians that he gets to work with.  Today was "Match" day. We are excited to announce that we will be moving after graduation from Residency, so Chad can complete a one year fellowship in Sports Medicine, to Provo working with the BYU and the UVU teams! 

We are so excited and look forward to the next chapter in our lives! (PS. The family BYU attire will be coming shortly.) 


reddhottredds said...

Congrats!!!!! We need to chat and catch up. Pronto. :)

Sarah Sidwell said...

Yeah!! So excited that is closer to us! When will the move be?

Melissa said...

Congrats!! Glad you were able to match and that it is still close. Good luck with the rest of Residency and then moving. Love you guys!

The Wynn Family said...

Yea!!! We are so excited for you guys!

Seegmiller Six said...

How exciting! BYU is awesome (I may be biased) WAy to go Chad! :)